
20+ Important Questions To Ask A Mobile App Developer

A list of questions that every brand should ask potential mobile app developers before signing a contract. 


20+ Important Questions To Ask A Mobile App Developer


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If your company does not hold a mobile app then you are missing an opportunity to gain tremendous benefits and revenue. As we all know the fact that mobile apps for any business (start-up or an enterprise) is a necessity.

Therefore if you do not own an app you must first reach a mobile app developer. Hence if you are looking to get expert assistance then it is me who can deliver the desired results.

Before continuing, I firmly undergo the entire requirement of one’s business. This means right from consultation to development and even to marketing strategies.

Also here you can ask me different and important questions at the time of mobile app development. This simplifies the entire working mechanism and focuses on gaining revenue for your project. As we all know, nothing can be accomplished without smartphones.

Users nowadays are exploring everything right from small to big through their smartphones. Hence if you do not own an app for your business, think how much can you lose?

You can also see the relevant stats of mobile usage/ app. Well, that is quite a huge amount if I could compare.

Mobile app development usage statistics

  • I have researched and found the stats that say, when I talk about worldwide consumers are known to download 204 billion apps.
  • There is around $120 billion spent on in-app purchases.
  • Users spend around 3 hours and 40 minutes on smartphones a day.
  • The number of smartphone users worldwide is close to 3.5 billion.
  • The cost of mobile advertising is expected to reach around 280 billion in 2022.
  • By considering all of the above stats, I must say that there is a huge demand for apps.
Mobile app development usage statistics
Hence if your business does not contain an app you will not likely fetch the expected revenue. Therefore it is a must to own an app to reach your target audience and achieve revenue to grow your business. Now to accomplish all of your requirements it is the best idea to reach the best freelance mobile app developer like me. It is mainly because I can take charge to develop the desired app for you. The one that can easily match the market and user’s needs. Hence I take command of all of these, it is mainly because I keep on scaling my knowledge with respect to the latest trends and technologies.
There are different steps that an app development comes with and are mentioned below. So here I will also help you to know the entire app development process.
Mobile app development process

Before you begin with mobile app development, it is very important to understand its entire process. Now here I will let you know what are the different processes and how I take command to develop all stages with ease. However there are nine-step of a mobile app development process, here I will let you know all of those:

Step 1- Project discussion

Project discussion is the initial step of mobile app development. It helps in understanding the overall requirement of the project. Here I take command to understand all of your requirements so that I can easily begin with the process and deliver you the best result.

Here I begin by taking all the necessary details from my clients. This means what kind of application they want to develop? what is the budget within which you want to fulfil your requirements? and the timeline. After collecting all the necessary details I begin with the app development process.

Next is the free consultation. I do offer a free consultation where you can easily ask all your relevant queries related to the development process. I later then prepare a breakdown structure of the project and then suggest to you the best process, to begin with.

Step 2- Business insights and project estimation

Once our discussion regarding the project is over then it firmly begins with collecting the business insights and also the project estimation. My business insights data collection begins with QA and it, in turn, helps me to understand the requirements of the client, in this case, I begin easily right from the initial stage. In between this I also take steps to decide what will be the budget of the entire project. Also, this is one of the important questions that depends upon what features or advantages you are looking for in your app. Once cleared then I will tell you the exact budget of the project and begin with the development process.

Step 3- Signing of NDA

Once the cost is determined and the client agrees with it then the next step is to sign the NDA. This is the official process to get started with the working and also there is no difficulty in between the development process. I take care of all necessary processes to remove any sort of hassle in between. With NDA I assure you that your idea is safe with me.

As a professional, I provide mobile app development process services specified on paper. In turn, there will be no misunderstanding and confusion regarding the communication we had and everything can start with comfort.

Step 4- Wireframe of the app

The wireframe is known as the pillar or the structure of the application and it is one of the important stages once the project requirement is understood.
Wireframes help you to give an idea of how the entire system will work. On the other hand, the wireframe also helps in determining the overall estimation of the development timeline. In this way, I handle the overall requirement while delivering the finest result. I also keep myself updated on the latest trends and technologies and ensure to work with all of those so that apps can work efficiently.
An app comes with different features like one-to-one chat, group chat and also timeline management. All of the information is noted down and gives an idea to stakeholders of how the overall process will work.

Step 5- UI/UX design

UI/UX design contributes a major part to app development. If your app is not good looking then you can lose your customer. As it is said that customers gets attracted to the app when it is good looking or it has a good layout.

Therefore before beginning the process I determine which colour you prefer in the app, your basic preference of fonts or do you have any reference for the app you like the most. The core purpose of the app is to offer a seamless experience to users with a sharp look. As it is said that the usability of the mobile app plays a huge role in the design of the app. The polished UI will help you to attract more and more clients all across the globe.

The next step is the workflow design and this is the initial step in designing a proper workflow. However, the design depends upon the data that I collect at the beginning of the process and then proceed toward the wireframe design. With the help of software, I begin with the wireframe designing process. After all, designing is what can help to attract clients and help you to achieve your future goals.

The last step is here working with a style guide. A style guide is known as the guide with which the entire application process will be done. This guide includes app designing standards, branding guidelines and also easy navigation symbols.

  • For example- what will be the font family in your app?
  • What colour scheme do you want in your app?

With the help of a design guide, I easily begin with the design strategy of the app. In this phase, I deliver the app icon, splash screen which is known as the first screen, the login/ sign up form and the homepage.
After creating a sample I will send the design to get the feedback and then begin with the further process.

Step 6- App development process

Once the app design is finalized, I begin with the app development process so that I can deliver your app on time. The process of mobile app development is divided into three stages namely:

Backend development

This particular section contains the database and also the server-side objects. They are those required to support your mobile app supporting functionalities.

API integration

In API integration, the process is done to simplify the communication process possible with the app and backend servers.

Front end app development

It is very important to design the interactive UI of the mobile app. However, when you are looking for a mobile app usable for everyone then I design the interactive and engaging front-end. As it is said that when your frontend and backend are interactive then your app can attract more users. For android app development technologies I take commands are- Java, Kotlin, whereas for iOS- Swift, Objective C Besides this different languages are used for the backend development process namely- PHP, RoR, GOLang, Node js, Angular Js, React Js, .Net

Step 7- Q&A testing

When I develop an app, I keep on testing the app in the middle of the development. It helps me to understand if anything is going wrong and there is a need for correction. In turn, it helps me to work at an affordable cost and also to deliver the qualitative app. This is because if your app is found with any bug then fixing bugs is very costly, so it is better to ensure beforehand that your app does not contain any bug.

To test the app there are two main steps- functional testing and non-functional testing.

The application is tested to check its speed, performance, and scalability. To perform this I own different android and iOS devices with which I can check, locate, and fix problems that arise due to UI.
The devices come in different dimensions, different screen sizes and OS versions. In this way, I assure you that your app performs well and does not contain any problems.

Step 8- Launch the app

At the time to launch the app, it is very important to follow all necessary guidelines of the respective app stores (Appstore and play store). Hence here I assure you to launch the app by following all necessary guidelines and without any disturbance. After undergoing all policies the app is submitted, I ensure to review the app so that it does not face any difficulties. However, if everything matches the guidelines then the app becomes available in the app store within a few hours of submission. Later on, when the app is deployed I keep track of app usage with the mobile analytics platform and also measure your app’s success.

Step 9- After launch services

Once your app is launched, my work is not over. I do offer services for app marketing to make your app flourish in the market. In this way, your app can easily reach users all across the globe and help to reach your future goals easily. In addition to this, if in between your app comes with any bug then you can reach me. I offer support even if the development process is over. I take command to solve all of the issues to make your app work easily and smoothly.

It has been researched that 92% of a user’s time is spent on mobile devices. By this you can easily analyze the importance of apps. Users all across the globe are using apps for completing their small to big requirements.

The global mobile app size was valued around $106.27billion (2018). But it is estimated to reach around $407 billion by 2026. Smartphones have become the best alternative for computers and in turn helping people all across the globe.

Mobile device users to use mobile app
But this is not the end, many stages are covered between users and experts. Do you know what I am talking about? There are different questions that businesses ask experts before beginning with app development process.
Let me help you to know what are the different set of questions that businesses ask a mobile app developer.

  1. Can you show me some of your work samples?

best app developer for your project

Well, this is one of the first questions that businesses ask when they reach any expert. As this is one of the necessities for the first party to ask what is the expertise and how many project developers have assisted till now.

This delivers a clear idea about the developer’s skills and knowledge. Once a business person is satisfied then it becomes easier, to begin with, the next stage. When you will ask for the work samples you will be able to see what work they have done in the past and whether they can fit your requirements or not? Therefore asking for a work sample contributes to the necessity when you are looking for the best app developer for your project. You can also ask for case studies that can showcase the work of the developer. At present time some experts have online portfolios or a document that can showcase their past work.

Hence when you will get all the relevant details you will be at ease in deciding which expert you want to begin your work with.

  1. How can you make my project stand out in a crowd?

Make project stand out in a crowd

Every business wants to distinguish itself from the other. It is mainly because there are millions of apps on the market. Therefore it becomes necessary to develop your app differently from others. To make this happen you need experts who have innovative skills, creativity and the latest market expertise. Hence you can ask the one whether they have all these skills and how they can make your product innovative and unique?

When you are contacting any developer you can begin by asking some important questions like- what skills do they own, what latest technologies they will use? What extra they can offer to make your project stand out in a crowd. By undergoing all of these questions you can easily make out whether the respective expert can work as per your requirement or not. At present time there are millions of apps running on the market. So you have to keep in mind that you need to develop an app different from others. In this way, you will be able to attract customers and build a huge customer base. In this case, I work on the latest and advanced technologies to make your project run differently from others. I have developed various apps for different industries running successfully across the globe.

  1. Which vertical have you worked on?

Best Mobile App Developer

You must ask the different industries with which developers have worked. In this, it becomes easier to know for you the skills and ability to perform in different niches. In simple words, the question is to test the versatility. You must cover this one question because it is not the case where an expert who is good in one industry goes well with others. So you must try to find out how much versatility experts can deliver you.

At the time you are looking for experts there are many you can find in the industry. But not all can fulfill your requirements so it is necessary to find one that matches your requirements. Experts who have worked on different verticals will have advanced knowledge and in turn, can help you to build your app easily. Therefore it is necessary to ask about different verticals in which developers have worked. In turn, it will simplify your process and select the developer, to begin with, the development process.

  1. How much time do you take to handle one development process?

One Development Process for building mobile app

The foremost question to ask is the timeline to which the project can be covered. Often there are many companies and even freelancers that do not complete projects on time. But when you have made strict guidelines about your project you need exact time. This is why you need to be cautious in knowing the timeline or the exact completion time.

Although it becomes quite difficult to know the exact time beforehand. Hence here when you are connecting with any expert you need to evaluate your requirements. This means what features, functionalities and other necessary details you are looking for. Once you will give a detailed explanation in turn you can get the exact time to which your app will be completed.

Here I begin with consulting with clients all necessary details that are required to develop an app. Once I have noted all the details, in turn with my expertise and past work I tell the time to which I can develop the app and hand it over to the client.

  1. Where do you get your projects?

mobile app developer

It is very important to know what the geographics of the developer are. This means that if you are looking to get assistance with international projects, developers should own such expertise. If a developer does not own globally expertise, then this can be problematic in future. Many companies specifically look for experts who have worked with international projects. This means they believe that the expert will understand their requirement easily and there will be no trouble in between the development process.

Not all freelancers or companies have relevant experience in developing international projects. When you reach or finalize them later you can come up with difficulties. Therefore it is necessary to communicate about the project they have worked on and what expertise they hold. This simplifies your overall development process and helps you to build your business app faster.

  1. What is your app development process?

Mobile App Development Process

The company or freelancer you are reaching should own an adequate working process. This means an app developer should own versatility and must be aware of the latest trends and technologies. In this way, they can easily add advantages to your project. And when you are looking to get it developed in the best manner then you must seek all necessary information.

When it comes to the app development process, once a client has reached me I ensure to communicate properly about the project requirements. This covers the client’s idea, all features they are looking for in an app, functionalities, latest trends and technologies with which the app will be developed. Once everything is cleared and finalized then i begins with the next step which is signing the NDA. Singing NDA will assure my clients that their idea and entire communication is safe with me. Hence working with me will give you entire safety and security about your project

  1. Are there any specific development methodologies you consider?

What are Software Development Methodologies

Development methodologies offer the edge and necessary advantages to the entire development process. Therefore when you are reaching for your requirement you must ask about the methodologies considered for the entire development process. Different methodologies are used at the time of the app development process. This will planning, design, development phase etc.

Hence here when you reach me I make use of agile methodology to develop your app smoothly. I work on the latest trends and technologies that can easily give shape to your mobile app and help you to stand out in the crowd. However, the main motive is not just to develop the mobile app, but to make it run successfully across the globe. Hence developing apps with the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies will help your app to grow at a faster rate.

  1. What is your communication process?

Communication Process

To convey any necessary information about the project is a necessity. Companies consider different communication processes to inform you what is the progress of your project. The developer should accompany the desired communication key to connect with you and inform you about your project. Now here you can reach either freelancers or companies. It is dependent upon you and where you are comfortable and also accomplish all of your needs. However, it is very necessary to manage your communication at the time you are developing your app.

When you reach me, being a freelance mobile app developer I am always available for different communication processes. This means you can easily connect with me either by email, phone, or skype. Also, I am available to connect with video calling to assist you and make you understand the process. There will be no communication gap in between the app development. In this way, I simplify the overall development process.

  1. Do you hold expertise in building apps as per my requirements?

Expertise in building mobile apps

Before beginning with hiring experts, it is very essential to know whether the desired developer can complete the requirements or not. This means beforehand you must prepare a list of features that your app should contain. You must discuss the features that the app should contain. In this way, it can be determined whether your requirement can be accomplished or not?

If you will work without understanding the working process of the developer then you will fall within your requirements. Hence when you are reaching developers then you must ask everything regarding your project. Assemble all necessary details and ask the relevant developer whether requirements can be fulfilled or not? Hence when you reach me, I ensure to help you understand all requirements and in turn, deliver definite results. At present mobile app development is increasing at a fast rate and hence building an app for your business is a profitable deal.

  1. Do you have a strong understanding of my niche?

Strong Understanding on building mobile app

If a developer does not understand your niche then it is difficult to accomplish the task. You must ask and explain about your business, vertical and requirements. Developers who have worked in the same industry can have all of your answers.
Also, they will fit your requirements. Now to begin hiring one such developer you can reach me. As a top freelance android app developer, I have worked with different industries. This means right from travel, medical, pharma, education, real estate etc.

Therefore no matter what your requirement is I can easily deliver appropriate results as per the requirement. Customers have different requirements and hence they want their work to be done in the right manner. But if the developer will not own the required expertise then it becomes difficult to develop an app. For example, if you are looking to develop a real-estate app and if the developer does not own how to build it or what features it should contain then you will be at a loss. Therefore before beginning with your work, do ask whether experts hold command of your particular niche or not. In this way, you will get results as per your need and with ease.

  1. What size companies have you worked with?

Looking board room door business strategy meeting

If you are a large enterprise then you will be eager to know about the relevant working experience of a developer. However this same goes for the start-up business as well. Upon asking or getting confirmation it becomes easier to determine the skills and knowledge with which the developer must have worked upon. Hence it becomes quite simple for you to hire experts and begin with your project.

There is a wide range of companies both small and large, hence sometimes companies look to approach professionals who have worked with high scale projects. This means they do not want to take risks in their project and in turn begin with the development process easier. You must ask here how much experience does a developer hold? With which companies they have worked and what are the different samples they can show? By asking the relevant question you will be clear on whether you need to reach the same expert or not.

  1. Do you understand UI/UX?

List Of UI UX Design

At the time you are hiring a developer you must look at how creative he is? This means you must talk about the design aspect with which working will take place. It is mainly because it is the design of the app with which users can be more attracted. Also, it has been researched that users get attracted to appealing apps.

So I am sure that you do not want to lose your target audience just because of a poor look. UI/UX contributes a major part to your app. If your app is not looking good then customers will not reach you. It might sound weird to you but this is true. It has been researched that an app with appealing UI/UX trends to gain more customers. Therefore if your app does not look good then you will not be able to attract customers. This in turn will drop your sales and revenue. Hence try to connect with experts who hold expertise in giving your app an appealing look, making your app shine and reaching more customers across.

In this way, your business will run smoothly and accomplish all of your future goals.

What Is Mobile Deep Linking & How Does It Boost App Engagement?

  1. How can I make money with my app?

Make Money With Mobile App

When your sole purpose is to earn money with your app then your developer should be ready to answer you. Here the developer should know how to build in features that will help you to earn money. The majority of the businesses develop an app that can help in uplifting their business revenue, also this is not wrong. With the help of apps, it becomes quite easier to reach potential users and also to reach desired revenue.

But when you are looking to make your app strong and gain revenue you must ask developers what are the best strategies. You must ask for all of those strategies and if the concerned specialist is able to help you then you can begin with the development process.

  1. What is the way that you will use to test your app?

Mobile app development process app testing

In the mobile app development process, app testing forms the major part. It means experts in between development test the app on a regular basis to ensure that app is performing well.

The testing phase of the app is very important, as it will determine the pros and cons of the app. This means how well your app is performing and what needs to be changed.

Here experts will undergo beta testing which is known as the final step of software development cycle. Performing beta testing is the main aim to ensure that users are satisfied with the software product.

I am a freelance app developer holding expertise in the development of both Android and iOS apps. Hence when I develop any app I perform testing on different devices to ensure that the app is working properly and there is no bug found.

  1. Do you offer long term app maintenance support?

Trends and Technologies in developing mobile app

Once your app is launched, you must understand that yet your work is not done. As time trends and technologies change. Hence your app requires time to time update. Therefore you must ask whether the concerned app developer will assist you even after project completion or not? In this way, you will be free to switch between different developers. If your concerned developer will not offer support once your development is completed then you can be in trouble. By this I mean if you are reaching any other expert you have to explain the entire process from the start and this is one of the complicated processes.

Hence before starting working with an app developer you must ask for later assistance (after app development is completed). In this way, if any bug or error is found your concerned specialist can easily solve it without any disturbance.

  1. What is the pricing structure that you follow?

Time & Material Price Model

Building a mobile app is a necessity, it is developed with desired features as per business needs. Hence the cost of the app is dependent upon the features you would like to own. This is the desired conversation that you need to talk about before beginning the project. This helps you to be away from any complexity at the end.

Therefore when you are connecting with any mobile app developer you must ask what will be the cost. To know this you have to give a detailed structure of your app. By this, I mean what all specifications your app will contain. Based on the entire structure, the overall cost is determined. Although at some point, customers include some features in between so in the beginning a lump sum cost is delivered to the client. If a client further requires any addition in the middle of development then the cost will differ. I here take all the necessary details of the app and after examining it thoroughly I deliver the nearby cost of the app development.

  1. Will you manage the process of uploading apps to different app stores?

Managing Process

In most cases, developers do not take command of uploading apps to different stores. Hence businesses have to reach other companies or freelancers. Hence you must ask about the entire development process. If you find anything is missing you must cross-check and confirm it before beginning the project.

However, app development processes do involve the uploading process to the app store. But most of the developers do not include the one step in their packages. The main reason is that different guidelines have to be followed. Here not all are well-versed with all of those policies. Therefore if you do not get this particular process, I recommend you to reach out to someone else. Also, the main reason is that when you are hiring two people your cost will be increased. So before beginning the process, you must clear and take a note of all stages that the development process will carry and see if you are not missing anything.

  1. What are your payment conditions?

Your Payment Conditions

You must know all payment terms and conditions beforehand. A major issue that arises in any work is payment.

Ask the developer whether he/she will be charging you on an hourly basis or monthly. Set agreement as per the combined decision and begin with work simultaneously. If you want your project to run every month then you will have to pay the concerned developer every month.

However, if you want to go on an hourly basis then some developers do work on an hourly basis. All you need is to understand your requirements, set your budget and hire experts who can look upon your project. The industry has flexibility where you can get individuals to work both on a monthly and hourly basis.

  1. How do you manage security issues?

Manage Security Issues solving in developing mobile app

Security is one of the prime considerations that one always tends to attain. Therefore when it comes to app development you should take charge of it at first. You must ask developers about what steps they take for your app security. If your app is not secured then there will be many risks. In turn, your app data can be stolen.

Therefore when you reach a developer you must ask a developer what security is taken. Make sure that you understand the entire process thoroughly, however, if your app is not safe then its customers will not trust your app and in turn, fall in your revenue.

Therefore before beginning the app development ensure to have all guidelines with the security of the app.

  1. What information do I need to deliver before starting the project?

Delivery App Development service

App development is becoming a necessity, no matter what industry you are in. In the other case, if you are a small business or a large enterprise, you must understand the importance of apps for your business. Hence when you are reaching any app developer you must ask for some necessary details and those are:

  • What information do you need before starting with app development?
  • You must ask what all information is required from your side. This means you must provide all of those so that there is no delay at the beginning of the app development process.
  • Combine all of the requirements in one place and deliver them to the developer. Hence do communicate with the developer to simplify the working mechanism.

  1. Who will own the app?

Own The App

You need to know who will own the app. It is mainly because typically the company or the individual paying for the app development process owns the rights to the app.

Hence you must begin with “copyright assignment” to make things clear beforehand. There are different devices on which your app needs to be built. Like the two platforms Android and ios. So after the app development is completed then you must talk about the copyright step. It is your idea and your thought and you will be the owner of the app. So ensure beforehand that you are the owner of the app and to make this happen you must work on all the paperwork to reserve your rights.

Hence here I take command to perform all paperwork beforehand and ensure that your app is yours and no one else will have the authority to claim about your app.

Besides this, if I talk about mobile and web apps development, then there are some differences between them.Let me tell you about them.

Native mobile apps


Safe and secure and hence no longer have to be worried for any security reasons.

Can easily work offline. They come up with greater functionality.

It is faster than the web apps

Easy to build due to different development tools, SDKs and also interface elements.

Testing of a native app is way easier since it is a single platform.

With native apps not only the coding language but architecture, UI/UX are also native.

Native apps can be easily accessible through the respective app store.


Expensive to build as compared to web apps.

Hold compatibility with different platforms like android and iOS.

They are expensive to maintain.

Difficulty getting approved from the app store.

There is no chance of code reusability if you are in a need to develop the same app from different platforms.

In the case of native apps, security updates and other features cannot be updated as compared with web apps.

Web apps


Web apps function in the browser and hence no longer need to be downloaded.

They have a common database and are easy to develop.

They easily update themselves. Unlike other apps, they do not require updating often

Very easy and quick to build as compared to web apps.

Web apps can be easily customized and it is mainly due to the change in interface.

In order to run a web application, you do not have to download them. separately.


They do not work offline. Hence to run web apps you need to own a strong web connection.

Know to be less advanced in features and slower than mobile apps

Not guaranteed against security and quality every time.

May not be as discoverable as mobile apps

The web application is dependent upon the website. This means if the website will go under maintenance or failure then the app will also suffer the same condition.


An app is a necessity for any business, but before that, it is important to ask all of the above-mentioned questions to clarify your queries and begin the process.
Hence above mentioned are the 20+ important question to ask a mobile app developer to get desired benefits.

Hence when you reach me i am able to answer all of these.

In this way the entire working mechanism becomes sorted and also you get the best of all results.

Consider reaching me, because as a top freelance mobile app developer, I take command to give you all the necessary answers regarding the app development process.

In this way, the result comes out to be unique and definite.

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